StatBean Name: StatDataSource

Purpose: The class which all datasource StatBeans extend. This bean is not intended to be used directly, but provides general properties for all datasource StatBeans.

Other Public Methods
NameDescriptionArgumentsReturn Value
boolean fillArray(double x[n],int n,String S)Fills an array of numeric data with the results of parsing the input string.Output array, maximum dimension, string to be parsed.true if parsing succeeds
String getColumnName(int col)Finds the name associated with a column number.Column number.Name of the column.
int getColumnNumber(String Name)Finds the column number corresponding to a specified name.Column name.Number of the column (0 origin), or -1 if no column has the specified name.
char getColumnType(int col)Finds the column type associated with a column number.Column number.Column type, or ' ' if column is not found.
double getDoubleValue(int row,int col)Gets the value of a cell in a numeric column.Row number, column number.Numeric value in the cell, or missingValueCode if the cell is not found.
int getNumberOfRows()returns the number of rows in the table.None.Number of rows.
int getNumberOfColumns()returns the number of rows in the table.None.Number of rows.
double getStringValue(int row,int col,int significantDigits)Gets the value of a cell in a non-numeric column.Row number, column number, number of significant digits desired.String value in the cell, or "" if the cell is not found.
boolean isRecordComplete(int row)Checks a record for missing values.Row number (0 origin).true is no columns contain missing values.
void setColumnName(int col,String Name)Sets the column name.Column number, column name.None.
void setColumnType(int col,char type)Sets the column type.Column number, column type. Valid types are 'N' (numeric), 'C' (character), 'I' (integer),'D' (date as mm/dd/yy), 'M' (month as mm/yy), 'T' (time as hh/mm), 'S' (time as hh/mm/ss), 'Q' (quarter as qq/yy), '0' through '9' for fixed decimal.None.
double setDoubleValue(int row,int col,double d)Sets the value of a cell in a numeric column.Row number, column number, value to be set.None.
double setStringValue(int row,int col,String S)Sets the value of a cell in a non-numeric column.Row number, column number, value to be setNone.